Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is the proper way of becoming a server in a restaurant?

I currently have no experience in restaurants but I want to be a server. What do I have to do? Should I start as a host or bus boy? Are there some restaurants that would take on an unexperienced person as a server? I've worked in retail and at Starbucks, so I have experience with the public, and handling food.What is the proper way of becoming a server in a restaurant?
Just keep trying and apply everywhere you can. Once you get a job and get experience you can be more choosy with the places you can go.What is the proper way of becoming a server in a restaurant?
If they need help badly enough, they'll hire you. No, you don't have to start as a busboy or host; in fact, if you do, you'll probably be stuck in that position. Just talk to some restaurant managers and let them know that you're interested in serving and that you're a quick learner. Shouldn't be too hard. (Some places require you to be 18 if they serve alcohol, however.)

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