Saturday, March 10, 2012

How can I make excellent tips as server?

I just started serving in this restaurant that I formerly hosted at. One of the first tables I took told me I had a "pleasant demeanor". So, I suppose that's a good start. I'm very sweet and I always smile at my customers. So basically what I am asking is, what qualities do you look for in a server that would earn them a great tip?How can I make excellent tips as server? attention to details...

You accidentally posted this question under the "Programming and Design" category. People here answer questions about computer programming and user interface design. sort of missed an important detail here when you posted a question...You probably could have picked a better category for posting this question.

But..don't sweat's a common mistake here, and we weren't going to tip you anyway :-)

But as a have to pay attention to little details like that.

When I eat out, I start with the 15% rule. But I definitely go higher or lower based on the service. And the service is all about the details:

* If you serve me food, and I have no knife or fork, please don't make me ask for them. Notice that detail and fix it for me.

* If you walk by and my drink is almost empty, ask if I want another (even if it's just water).

* Don't ask me if everything is OK every 3 minutes. If things aren't OK, you should be able to see that by paying attention to details...

* KEEP TRACK OF TIME!!! This is my biggest pet-peeve. Know when I should be done and come around for the check. If I'm not done yet, guess when I will be and come back...soon.

I've had this happen to me a lot lately. It's annoying and yes, it does influence the tip: I have a great meal with good service. Then we're ready to leave. And we sit there and wait for the check. And wait. And wait. And then you get the check and put out the credit card and wait again..and wait...and wait. I am MUCH less forgiving of that than I am of having to wait for the order to be taken, or the food to be done. When it's time to's time to go.

Just my opinion.

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