Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is the difference between peer to peer and client server?

Tell me if this is correct. I think peer to peer is when the network is running from each client . For example, a lot of desktops conencted together with no server. I think a client server is a individual server(s) that connect to each desktop . instead of each desktop connecting to each other .

thanks guysWhat is the difference between peer to peer and client server?
You are sort of right. A P2P (peer-to-peer) network is where all of the computers (laptop, desktop) are on the same network, like your home network in your home. Each system has its own files, that may or may not be shared with others, and the computer may or may not have a printer connected to it, which also may or may not be shared with others.

A client/server network is a little different. The server(s) and all the clients (Laptops %26amp; Desktops) are usually on the same network, again like your home network. The main exception is that all public files are stored on the server and shared to all (Security can be adjusted as needed) that way if you are using a file that others also use it can be accessed even when the other computers are not on, The server stays on 24/7.

Also the printer is setup on the server and shared to all other systems. That way you again can use a printer even if another system is turned off. This assumes that the printer is a network printer or connected to the server via USB etc. cable. Again security can be adjusted as needed for printer access.

Hope that helps.What is the difference between peer to peer and client server?
client-server operations are always initiated by the client, e.g. a web browser asks a server for a file and the server replies.

On the internet, that is the dominant model of the web, partly because NAT is prevalent. Information is centralised and clients connect to a central server to get it. The address of the server is fixed and published, the address of most clients is changeable and unpublished. The servers must have sufficient capacity to handle all the clients at once.

In peer-to-peer, nodes can both initiate and respond to requests. Information is decentralised and dispersed through the network. With NAT, some central servers (trackers) are required to record the current addresses of active nodes.

In a protocol like bittorrent, files are retrieved from pieces held on several different nodes then reassembled. There is no single server that needs a high-bandwidth connection.What is the difference between peer to peer and client server?
Basically your correct.

"connecting" is a poor choice of words.

Sharing files between each other would be better.

In a peer to peer network, workstations/desktops/users share files directly between each other.

In a client server network, workstations/desktops/users use the server as a central repository or library for files.
p2p and client-server are models. P2P means both hosts run the client and server portions of an application, like file sharing. Whereas Client Server model has a host portion and a server portion. HTTP can be said to be client-server, since the host pc requests a page, this is the client, and the server handles the request and returns the requested document to the client.

good luck!

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